Fremd- und Fachsprachen

Eine Sprache zu lernen bedeutet, mehr als ein Fenster zu haben, durch das man auf die Welt schauen kann.  (Chinesisches Sprichwort)

Coaching - Workshop
verantwortlich: Britta Li

Coaching for Personal Development and Leadership
Get your places now – limited to 12 Students. This 4-hour coaching course takes place in English and is for advanced English learners. First, we will start with what are your personal expectations of this course and what would you like to achieve. We will dive deep into several coaching exercises including “The Five Pillars of Our Identity” from German psychologist Hilarion Petzold, and look at Lifelines - or “my way to where I am now.” Afterwards, the importance of positive feedback in leadership roles will be covered and the course will end with a feedback round. 

This course will be taught by Dr. Kathleen Hooper, a professional trainer and coach. Dr. Hooper is certified by the German Society of Coaches (DGfC) as well as a certified NLP practitioner both in Germany and by the International Society.

jb07Mi13:00-16:00S.09.1005.06.Dr. Kathleen Hooperentgeltfreiabgelaufen



Gaußstraße 20

42119 Wuppertal

Email: audio[at]

Telefon: 02 02 439 5265 (nur vormittags)

Telefon: 02 02 439 3304 

Folgt uns auf Instagram unter @sli_buw



Mo - Do: 09:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 15:00

Fr: 09:00 - 12:00

Persönlich in Raum S.09.06:

Mo, Mi, Fr: 09:00 - 11:00 


Termin nach Vereinbarung unter


ID: 997 6879 8426

Passwort: Online23

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